by The Specific Chiropractic Centers | Jun 18, 2019 | Blog, Chiropractic Adjustment, Thermography-Additional Reading
What To Expect After A Chiropractic Adjustment There are two answers to the question “What to expect after a chiropractic adjustment” because there are both short term and long term changes that you can expect. Those answers also depend on where the adjustment happens...
by The Specific Chiropractic Centers | Jun 4, 2019 | Blog, Chiropractic Adjustment, Chiropractic Care, Digital Infrared Thermography, Thermography-Additional Reading
How Do Chiropractic Adjustments Work? The goal of a chiropractic adjustment is to improve the function of your nervous system — the one system of your body that is responsible for controlling and coordinating the function of all your other systems. The health and...
by The Specific Chiropractic Centers | May 10, 2019 | Back Pain, Blog
Here is How Yoga Provides Temporary Back Pain Relief Yoga is good for a lot of things and relief of back pain is just one of them. There are many ways in which yoga can help with back pain and, depending on the cause of your low back pain, the relief may be long...
by The Specific Chiropractic Centers | May 6, 2019 | Back Pain, Blog, Desk Job
What is causing your lower back pain? Suffering from frequent or chronic low back pain is a special kind of misery. There aren’t many things you can do that don’t somehow involve moving your low back and thus risk making your low back pain worse. Even the mere thought...
by The Specific Chiropractic Centers | Apr 16, 2019 | Blog, Neck Pain
Why You Should Never Ignore Upper Cervical Pain and Headaches If you have upper cervical pain and headaches then the problem is bigger than you might realize. A headache alone can be a symptom of several different things like dehydration, lack of sleep, or...
by The Specific Chiropractic Centers | Apr 16, 2019 | Blog, Neck Pain
What is upper cervical manual therapy? Upper cervical manual therapy is a general term to describe the different ways of using the upper neck area (upper cervical) to treat various health problems. There are different types of upper cervical manual therapies and they...