Meet the upper cervical chiropractors in Chico, California
Dr. Shane Smith
Real Stuff
- Family man (3 amazing kids and 1 amazing wife)
- From southern California (but he doesn’t say “bro”)
- Tank tops and flip flops (the only thing he wears from April thru Oct)
- Worked on an Alaskan fishing boat for two seasons
- Climbed Mt. Shasta (twice)
- Backpacked through 18 countries in Europe
- “Honey do…” projects around the house
- Green thumb (he’s got a garden and he’s working on the orchard)
- Family vacations in the Caribbean (Roatan is their favorite)
- Hiking and backpacking with his son
- Real estate investing
- Watching “Shark Tank” (he’s got a few invention ideas)
- Board member of Kiwanis of Chico
DR. Cred
- Bachelor of Science at Chico State University
- Doctor of Chiropractic from Life Chiropractic College West
- Founding Franchisee of The Specific Chiropractic Centers
- Field doctor for upper cervical outreach program in El Salvador
- Graduate of That Something upper cervical training series
Dr. Jason Gonzales
Real Stuff
- Father of 2 amazing kids (Leo and Lucy)
- Not afraid of the rain (born and raised in the Seattle area)
- Was introduced to chiropractic because he crashed his bike
- Detail oriented (he has a list for nearly everything)
- Sports fan (loves the Dan Patrick Show)
- Hitchhiked from Chamonix, France to Venice, Italy
- Cooking & baking (yes, he watches cooking shows on Netflix)
- Listening to music and finding the perfect song for the occasion
- Playing strategy board games
- Reading (The Hobbit is one of his favorites)
- Hiking and spending time in nature
DR. Cred
- Bachelor of Arts from University of Washington
- Doctor of Chiropractic from Life Chiropractic College WestGraduate of That Something upper cervical training series
- Instructor for The Art of The Specific (upper cervical training program)
- Field doctor for upper cervical outreach program in El Salvador
Dr. Jeremy Handley
Real Stuff
- Famliy man
- Born and raised in Michigan
- Worked and helped operate Handleys Tree service
- Moved from Spartanburg SC to Chico CA (2732 miles!)
- Love to Fish (wanting to learn more about fly fishing)
- Working on trucks and cars
- Lover of craft beer
- Winter sports such as snowboarding or snowmobiling
Dr. Cred
- Bachelors of science in biology at Ferris State University – Big Rapids, Michigan
- Doctor of Chiropractic from Sherman College of Chiropractic – Spartanburg, South Carolina
- Graduated of The Art of The Specefic training