Impossible? We’ll see.

Mar 12, 2025

Creating a world in which a long healthy and happy life is the rule, not the exception. That is my purpose.

I know I can’t do it alone and I probably won’t live to see it happen, but that won’t stop me from trying.

The day to day work I do in my clinic in Chico, CA is where I start.

I’m not sure exactly when it happened, but for decades now it’s been obvious that our healthcare system is more concerned about how to temporarily manage a symptom than it is on identifying and fixing the root cause of the problem. It’s really a just symptom management system.

The result of this approach has left countless people stuck in a chronically poor state of health only to get worse with time. It seems as though patients of mainstream healthcare are only offered interventions designed to temporarily relieve a symptom while the underlying cause remains ignored.

To be fair, the mainstream healthcare system we have is one of the best on the planet for trauma care, but the vast majority of patients aren’t going to their doctor with a broken bone (trauma). Most people are going to their doctor because they have symptoms from a chronic health problem.

The sad part is that the chronic health problem that’s causing their symptom was preventable in most cases. And even though it’s too late for that by the time they go to their doctor the problem is still reversible. And yet they are still only talked to about ways to temporarily manage the symptoms.

I hate it.

This stuff keeps me up at night.

It’s such a waste of time, money, and most importantly it’s a waste of human potential.

It’s impossible to calculate, but if it could be done the number would be staggering… How many brilliant ideas that could improve life for everyone never see the light of day because the person that has the idea is bogged down by a chronic health problem? And the one system that is supposed to help them restore their health (remember it’s called healthcare) does nothing of the sort.

My name is Dr. Jason Gonzales and I am an upper cervical chiropractor in Chico, California. My office, The specific Chiropractic Center, helps people who have been let down by traditional healthcare. Most of my patients have exhausted their options and are left trying to find a solution on their own and that’s when they find me.

Some of the problems I see very frequently in my office include recurring headaches, recurring migraines, jaw tension, balance problems, vertigo, muscle tension, poor posture, digestion problems, chronic neck and back pain, neuropathy, and poor sleep.

In a vast majority of the cases I am able to help turn their health around and help these patients get their life back. I help them move beyond just day to day symptom management and experience true health restoration. I believe the main reason for my high rate of success is that I look at the whole body as one functional unit and not just a collection of parts and pieces that have nothing to do with each other.

My aim is to find the root cause(s) of the problem and then be honest with my patients about what it looks like to fix it.

Clinically my main focus is centered around restoring the patient’s central nervous system function, more specifically their autonomic nervous system function. The upper cervical chiropractic work I do is aimed at testing and improving the function of the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system is the master control system for the entire body, meaning every muscle, every organ, every gland, and every other sub system of the body is controlled and coordinated by the autonomic nervous system.

I also take time to talk to my patients about their self-care habits, including their sleep, their diet, their exercise, and their stress levels. Health restoration care requires taking an honest look in all of these areas and empowering my patients make any necessary improvements so they can feel well again.

There is a unique and powerful relationship between the upper neck area and the autonomic nervous system. Most of my patients struggle with poor function of other systems and traditional healthcare has failed to find the root cause by focusing just on the smaller systems.

For example, many of my patients struggle with poor digestion and their previous doctors only looked at their digestive system and ignored the system that controls it, the autonomic nervous system. Failing to find the root cause of the problem, these patients are only offered things to temporarily manage the symptoms.

In my office I use infrared thermography to test the function of the autonomic nervous system and I use biomechanical x-ray to carefully evaluate the structure of the upper neck. With the cases that I accept as patients I find that there is a problem in the upper neck causing dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system and therefore dysfunction in other parts of their body.

By very carefully and very precisely adjusting the upper neck when necessary their autonomic nervous system function is restored and their whole body benefits from this type of treatment.

Unlike general chiropractic care, upper cervical chiropractic care does not aim to adjust their patients every time they come in for an office appointment. Patients of an upper cervical chiropractor only get adjusted when they need an adjustment based on objective measures and testing.

Not only am I passionate about helping people in my local area Chico, California I am also passionate about increasing the access to this type of work, upper cervical chiropractic. My colleagues at the other Specific Chiropractic Centers around the country do our best to help teach chiropractic students how to do this type of work. Our goal is to give every man, woman, and child access to upper cervical chiropractic. Not everybody needs this type of chiropractic care, but we want them to at least have access to it should they need it at some point in the future.