by The Specific Chiropractic Centers | Mar 27, 2019 | Blog
Is My Gut Healthy? Here's how you can tell... If being healthy is the goal then you need to have healthy guts and that doesn’t just mean having a trim waist so you can fit into your favorite pair of jeans. Your guts, or digestive system, plays a vital role in keeping...
by The Specific Chiropractic Centers | Mar 21, 2019 | Blog, Featured
Gut Health and Anxiety? Here's the Connection... For the longest time, the feeling of anxiety was considered a brain-based problem, but more recent research is suggesting that anxiety can be triggered by the trillions of bacteria living in our digestive system. The...
by The Specific Chiropractic Centers | Feb 21, 2019 | Blog, Neck Pain
Safe Neck Pain Relief Exercises. How Can I Get Neck Pain Relief Without Making The Pain Worse? Stretching can be a safe option for neck pain relief, but it has its limitations. If your neck pain is severe (something like 7 or more on a 1-10 point pain scale) you...
by The Specific Chiropractic Centers | Feb 14, 2019 | Blog, Neck Pain
Neck Pain Causing Headaches? Here is what you need to know. Before you get a headache do you often feel pain, tension, or soreness in your neck? If you answer yes then you may be suffering from a cervicogenic headache. Have you noticed that over the last...
by The Specific Chiropractic Centers | Jan 23, 2019 | Blog, Chiropractic Care
How Does Chiropractic Care Work? You may have heard stories about how someone’s anxiety, or allergies, or heartburn, or chronic muscle tension, or migraines, or vertigo, or “fill-in-the-blank” got better after a chiropractic adjustment and wondered “How is that...
by The Specific Chiropractic Centers | Dec 17, 2018 | Blog
What Are The Symptoms of a Thyroid Problem? Since almost every function and type of tissue in your body needs thyroid hormone to function properly the list of possible symptoms from a thyroid problem is quite long. However, there are a handful of classic hypothyroid...