Chiropractors Only Know About The Spine?

“Hey Dr. Drew, I know you, as a chiropractor, don’t know anything else about the body besides the back, so you think you can help me out with this?” This is something that I hear all the time — chiropractors are just back doctors, and we...

Chronic Aches & Pains

Neck pain, back pain, and hip pain all make it nearly impossible to travel — at least to travel enjoyably. I’m in Vegas right now, and it makes me think some of the people in my hometown who can’t go places they enjoy or can’t go places they...

Improves A Person’s Mood

Sometimes people come in as a couple, husband and wife or what have you. As a joke, the husband or the wife might ask, “Hey, can you do like an attitude adjustment?” They’ve kind of been depressed or little bit angry lately, and I know they’re...