by The Specific Chiropractic Centers | Mar 19, 2021 | Back Pain, Blog
Some of my patients think I look like Mister Rogers when I wear my favorite outfit, and since I’m wearing it today, I’d like to have a little storytime and talk about neck and back pain, and how chiropractors are really not neck and back pain doctors. A...
by The Specific Chiropractic Centers | Mar 19, 2021 | Athletics, Blog
Wondering how to boost your athletic performance? I’m not even sure if most of my patients know this, but the whole reason I became a chiropractor was I used to be an athlete. I used to be an elite bike racer racing across the country. I used chiropractic care,...
by The Specific Chiropractic | Jul 20, 2020 | Back Pain, Blog
Chronic Back Pain? Then look closely here... It seems like everyone has back pain from time to time and for most people the pain and tightness are gone within a few days and then life gets back to normal. Then there are some people in which back pain is a daily...
by The Specific Chiropractic | May 29, 2020 | Blog, Sleep Issues
Sleeping With My Chiropractor... Better… sleeping better with my chiropractor’s help that is! Having trouble getting a good night’s sleep is a big problem in our country. A recent consumer report survey revealed that 68% of Americans admit to having trouble...
by The Specific Chiropractic | May 29, 2020 | Blog, Neck Pain
Can Sciatica Be Related To A Neck Problem? Low back pain is bad enough all by itself, but sciatica is more than just low back pain – it’s when the sciatic nerve that comes out of the lower part of the spine gets pinched, compressed, or irritated somewhere along...
by The Specific Chiropractic | May 26, 2020 | Blog, Featured, Neck Pain
Is Trigeminal Neuralgia Related To The Neck? It’s been called “the suicide disease”. The intense electrical shock type pain that can be brought on by the slightest of breezes, or just spontaneously, is enough to drive some people to take their own lives. It’s one of...