the specific blog
Brain Gut Axis
We get asked all the time by our patients, what is this thing called the brain gut connection? We get asked that all the time because we focus on the nervous system, or the “brain” part of the connection. See, the nervous system is composed of all kinds of things,...
Brian Gut Connection
Hey, how's it going everybody? Dr. Shane here at the specific chiropractic center. We get asked all the time by our patients, what is this thing called Brain gut access, or what is the brain gut connection? We get asked that all the time because we focus with our...
How to Fix Sleep Apnea
Just in case you find yourself on social media, you might have seen some of our ads and promotions running. I'm the guy with the octopus on his face. The reason we're doing this, the reason you're seeing a chiropractor deal with some sleep medicine issues, is because...
What’s more important, sleep or exercise?
So what’s more important to our health; sleep or exercise? Sleep? I’ll bet you're hoping it’s sleeping right? Well you can relax because yes it is 🙂 There, now you can relax and read the rest of this knowing that sleep is the answer lol. Now this does NOT mean...
Can poor sleep cause anxiety?
All tucked in for a full night's sleep. Bed is warm, the blankets are soft and cozy, the room is nice and dark and quiet. Take a few big deep breaths and close your eyes and poof, off to dreamland…Brain: “I wonder if I emptied the lint trap. Should I go back to...
Who are we?
We are three doctors with a very specific skill set and passion for helping those that feel they’ve lost hope when it comes to their health. Everything we do with our patients is with the goal of health restoration in mind, not just temporarily relieving a symptom. We...
Weight Loss Weight Loss Isn't Always A Straightforward Choice About Diet Or Exercise Sometimes weight loss can be connected to a hormonal and metabolism problem in the body, which is controlled by your nervous system. And it might not be the first or...
How Chiropractic Relaxes Tight Muscles Probably One Of The Most Common Things We Get Called About Is Chronic Muscle Tension People are calling us with chronic necks that are always tight or shoulders and upper backs, maybe some numbness in their arms. Usually, these people are...
How Chiropractic Helped Get Rid Of His Pain!
"When I Met Doctor Jason Gonzales four years ago, he saved my life." Chris was in so much pain. He told us how nobody knew why, but when he came to our team we were able to help him out and get him feeling 110%. He was skeptical at first, but he pushed through it and...
What’s The Cost Of Not Doing Something? The first thing people consider when buying something is the price. How much will it cost me right now to get this thing that I want? Well, when it comes to your health, sometimes you have to flip that conversation in your head, and you...
Surgery Prevention Most People Agree That The Health Of Your Back And Neck Are Important To Your Quality Of Life The problem is that too many people are waiting until the last minute to address their back issues. By the time most people come in the damage is...
Chiropractic Helped Him Get Better Sleep! Sleep Issues Are Killer On The Body "I was sleeping- I've been known for years and years and years to sleep two, max three hours, and been sleeping from six to eight hours after about two months and less pain, and the sleep...
How Many Wishes Do You Get? So Let's Talk About Wishes For A Little Bit I've got a couple of birthday parties coming up this weekend. So birthday wishes are on my mind, and a mentor of mine, gave me, I think, what was like the perfect way to summarize why it's so...
Improves Circulation And Increases Blood Flow Blood Flow Is Just like The Sand In This Hourglass How much and how well blood gets to the fingers and the tips of the nose and down to the toes depends upon the heart beating and the pressure in the system. It also depends on the shape of...
Speeds Up The Recovery Process My Home Office Is Open For Business At my real office, I play an upper cervical chiropractor. At home, I play veterinarian. One of my daughter's favorite games is fixing up her stuffed animals from their injuries. And when it comes to...
Improves Organ Function Are You Suffering From Organ Issues, Heart Issues, Lung Issues, Or Stomach Issues? Unlike your skin where you get a cut or a scrape or a bruise, and you get instant feedback, it hurts right away, your organs don't. They can take a beating...
Treat the Causes of Pain, Not the Symptoms
It's Little Pebbles Like This That make great education tools when I'm trying to explain to a patient why it's so important to go after the cause and not just the symptoms. Imagine this little pebble stuck in somebody's right shoe, and they go for a big, long walk....
Improves Mobility and Function
Lots Of People Are Talking About How Important Being More Flexible And Mobile Is. It's also pro athletes now who are focusing more on being flexible and being mobile than they are on being strong. Someone's ability to have a dynamic, mobile, flexible body is not just...
Bowel Regulation and Constipation
Imagine Not Taking The Garbage Out For A Week Or Two, Or maybe like a month. You can only imagine how bad your house would smell, how gross everything would be, and the human body is the exact same way. We're supposed to go to the bathroom every day, sometimes...
No Proof Adjustments Work? Seeing is Believing!
How Do We Know If Adjustments Actually Work? For The Specific Chiropractic Center here in Chico, that's why we use an infrared thermography scanner. What we do is slide this up the back of the patient's neck, and that tells us how the patient's nervous system is...
The Only Truly Drug-Free Path to Health and Wellness
There Are People Out There In Our Community That are just kind of stuck with their health. They're not really getting any better. They might be getting a little worse, and that's concerning to me. They don't really know what to do. They've been told by their doctors...
Life Is Like A Light Hey, Chico, I Have A Question For You What if everything in this office, electronic-wise, was not working. The light switches aren't working, and the computer's not turning on. What's the first thing that you would want to check? Now, we...
What Is A Chiropractic Adjustment, And Why Is It So Powerful?
So we get a lot of questions about what exactly is a chiropractic adjustment? Well, the answer is a chiropractor will use their hands usually, or sometimes a special little handheld device, or sometimes the table itself will drop a little bit, but the goal of an...
Hey, Doc?! What Did I Do?
So when someone comes in or calls, and they tell me a story that involves a piece of paper or a sock, chances are they've had that problem for a long time. What do I mean by this? Well, here's how this story commonly sounds. Hey, Doc, I don't know what I did, but I...
Life Is Like A Light Wires In A House Are Like Your Nervous System When there is an issue with the electricity what do we do? Now you think that person would probably want to try to fix the problem by buying new light bulbs or maybe buying a new TV or...
Not Being Able To Sleep Is A Terrible Feeling Anytime Somebody Calls The Office, And One Of Their Main Complaints Is Trouble Sleeping, My Heart Goes Out To Them I know from experience how much lack of sleep or poor sleep can just wreck other aspects of your life. I don't have any...
How We Can Help You Sleep Better This Is Your Chance To Come In And Start Getting Better Sleep You've probably seen a few videos you've had out there about how the kind of care we provide has a massive track record of helping people to get better sleep. So we have a few...
How We Help Sleep Medical Research Has Shown Us How Important Sleep Is We've all realized how important sleep is when it comes to our immune system function, our ability to focus and concentrate, help keep our anxiety in check. And the problem is, is that a...
Adjustments Grind And Crack Your Bones?
Don't Adjustments, Snap, Crackle, Pop Your Bones? No. What that is, is just a pressure change and release of gasses from that joint area. Adjustments are a safe, simple way for us to directly access the nervous system. We're way more concerned about how your nervous...
Think You Might Have Craniocervical Junction Syndrome? Let Us Help!
If You've Heard About Craniocervical Junction Syndrome, Now Is Your Chance To Find Out If You Have It! We've opened up our schedule for a few people to come in to get a screening test, which only takes about 15 or 20 minutes. We'll do it right here in the office, and...
The Importance Of Sleep
Medical Research Has Shown Us How Important Sleep Is We've all realized how important sleep is when it comes to our immune system function, our ability to focus and concentrate, help keep our anxiety in check. A lot of health issues, aches, and pains, blood sugar...
What Is Craniocervical Junction Syndrome?
Being Able To Walk Straight Is Something Many Of Us Take For Granted But for people that have this unique condition called craniocervical junction syndrome, it often gets misdiagnosed in the medical field, these people lose that ability. They have a hard time...
Scared Of The Chiropractor?
Hey Guys, It's Doctor Jeremy, and I Know That Some Of You Are Scared of Me And, you know, with scary chiropractic videos out there I'm not surprised. Chiropractic isn't about the bones and it's not about the noise. What it is about is the nervous system, and what my...
Decreases The Effects Of Stress
I Got Three T's That Could Change Your Life, And That's Thoughts, Traumas, And Toxins And all these things are correlated to the stress that our body deals with. And it just seems like everything is so stressful these days, whether it's work, it's kids, school,...
Anterior Head Carriage
I'm Walking Around At A Conference It's at Talis park here in Florida and a beautiful golf course right behind me there, and what I'm noticing is a lot of these folks that are walking around here on the golf course, they look like this. So they call that anterior head...
What Is A Chiropractic Adjustment And Why Is It So Powerful?
I Know That There Can Be A Lot Of Confusion About What A Chiropractic Adjustment Is So I can help you understand what it should be. A chiropractic adjustment is a force done by hand that is applied to the spine. And what we're doing is we're helping realign your...
Speeds Up The Recovery Process
I Don't Think I Can Regrow The Tip Of My Thumb Like A Starfish But I can help your body heal itself faster, and more effectively. I'm Dr. Jeremy with The Specific Chiropractic Center here in Chico. And what we do is exactly that, and we help people recover from...
Overflow Your Cup With Health
Imagine A Dirty Glass Of Water You wouldn't take a drink out of it but you could clean it to make it safe to drink. If you were to continuously pour water into the glass it will eventually dilute it to an acceptable amount. All the dirt and grime would flow out as the...
How Well Are You Functioning?
I Was Given A Chainsaw It didn't run, so it was gifted to me. Somebody else already brought it in and said it wasn't worth fixing. I love figuring out how things work, and I love fixing things. So I took, obviously you can see I've gone through and taken it apart,...
Anterior Head Carriage
When's the last time you saw a picture of yourself from the side? If you see your head tilted forward, I bet you also probably have some sleep apnea or some snoring issues because having an airway passage that gets obstructed when you sleep on your back or your side,...
Weekend Chores To Avoid Big Problems
I Remember Doing Saturday Morning Chores Since I Was A Kid. My mom had me get up and clean up around the house, which I hated. Obviously as a kid, you don't want to wake up and start doing chores, but I did like having a clean room and having a clean house. As I got...
Do You Fall Asleep At The Movies?
Are You One Of Those People That makes it through about 30 minutes of a movie and then falls asleep? If that's you, then you may be one of the 60 to 70 million people in America that are suffering with some sort of an obstructive sleep apnea. It's super common, it's...
Sleep Graph
If You Are A Snorer Or if you find yourself falling asleep on the couch and you're snorting and waking yourself up, you might need an at-home sleep study, which is what we're able to do now here at the office. I have two graphs where my oxygen levels actually dropped....
We Use Wearable Technology For Sleep Issues
We've Talked About Getting Good Quality Sleep, How impactful poor sleep can be on your health, your concentration and your overall quality of life. And some of the questions we've received on this topic are about how chiropractic care can help with sleep, and how that...
Adjustments Improve Thinking
Migraines Are Intrusive Have you ever tried to work or concentrate on something when a kid is crying in the background or constantly tapping on you, asking a question? Maybe you're at the office, and you try to work, and your neighbor's radio station is too loud, and...
Not Being Able To Sleep Is Frustrating
Like An Extension Cord, You Don't Always Fall In Line And Do What You're Supposed To It's my job to help you curl up and get some sleep. But it's frustrating. And there are moments when I just want to kind of throw it aside and say, forget about it. And I've noticed...
What If It Gets Worse?
The Question Really Isn't, What If We Can't Fix It? The question is, well, what if it gets worse? Many people, when they're stepping out into getting healthier, they're always looking for a quick fix. They're always looking how do I get this done as fast as possible?...
New Year Resolutions With Natalie
I'm With My Very Good Friend, Natalie Owner of Fresh Cove, and we've decided to partner up this year in 2022 to help our Chico residents reach their health goals. What we're doing is the first 30 patients who come into the office at The Specific Chiropractic Center,...
Sleep Affects Everything
So One Of The Things I Love Most About Winter Is Sleep The sun goes down earlier, it's colder outside, much easier to get good sleep. And getting good sleep, that means, coming from experience, I've got two younger kids, and they're not as young as they used to be,...
Why I Became A Chiropractor
There Are Lots Of Reasons I Decided To Take This Route In My Career I had the grades and the skillsets to do other things in my life, but I chose this for lots of reasons, but primarily, near the very top of that list is stuff like this. I love solving puzzles....
Best Sleep When Camping
I Think One Of The Things I Like Most About Winter Is The Cold Weather I always sleep so much better when it's cold outside, leaving a little crack in the window and cover-up under all the blankets. And that's one thing I've noticed, too, when I've been hiking and...
Russell’s New Year’s Resolution
I Own The Specific Chiropractic Center, And We Know That This Last Year Has Been Super Nutty On Everybody And so what we decided to do was partner up. The first 30 patients that come into The Specific Chiropractic Center for their examination. We're going to buy you...
The Only Truly Drug-Free Path To Health And Wellness
A Mentor Of Mine Many Years Ago Told Me An Analogy One's life needs to reflect the flame of a candle in the sense that from when you're born to when you die, your health, your vitality, just like the flame of a candle stays the same and then just right near the end,...
How May Prescriptions Are Enough? A ton of prescriptions is not health care. This is sickness or disease management. This is not new information to anyone reading this, I get it. We all know that drugs don't really fix anything, but yet we still seem to have so many...
Improves A Person’s Mood You've probably heard of this idea of an attitude adjustment. We don't provide attitude adjustments, but that's a real thing. Your attitude, your personality, how you feel about life at any given moment is a product of how your body is...
