the specific blog
How to Choose a Chiropractor
How do you know how to pick a good chiropractor? Most people don't know there are different types of chiropractors, just like there are different types of medical doctors. And it's not always obvious based on the website or the first phone call. If you're looking for...
If You Want a Job Done, You’ve Got To Hire an Expert
When I was 17 years old, I wanted to get a tattoo so bad that I kind of short-changed myself. I found somebody who wasn't very good at what they did. And I paid the price. It was bloody, it's still scarred, it's big and it's not the color that I even wanted. So what...
What is a Good Chiropractor?
How do you pick a good chiropractor? There are so many kinds out there. You've probably had a friend or a relative tell you a story or two about their chiropractor, but how do you know which one is best for you? Let me give you some recommendations. The first thing...
When We Think about Health
Imagine that most people, when they think about being healthy, they think about being fit and how they look in the mirror and their muscles. But to be honest, with you being healthy is not just about how to fit you are. It's about your quality of life and whether or...
Is Chiropractic adjustment painful?
I can't tell you over the years, how many people have been coming into the door wanting to become patients. I asked them how long they've been thinking about it, and they said it's been a while. Part of the reason is that they were scared. They thought that...
Do Adjustments Hurt?
When someone comes in for the first time and they usually come in pain. They're wondering if the adjustments also going to hurt. The answer is no. Adjustments when done right with the right place at the right time feel quite good actually and are relieving of your...
Don’t wait for Absolute Pain
I got to talk to you about something that drives me absolutely bonkers. It's people who wait until they're an absolute pain before they decide to try to take care of themselves. It makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. And I don't understand it. I'm here to try...
Do Chiropractors Only Help With Back Pain?
Some of my patients think I look like Mister Rogers when I wear my favorite outfit, and since I'm wearing it today, I'd like to have a little storytime and talk about neck and back pain, and how chiropractors are really not neck and back pain doctors. A lot of people...
Improves Infant Health and Wellness
Just picking up a little mess as I do at home all the time. What's a good, natural and effective way to help kids...
How to Boost Your Athletic Performance
Wondering how to boost your athletic performance? I'm not even sure if most of my patients know this, but the whole reason I became a chiropractor was I used to be an athlete. I used to be an elite bike racer racing across the country. I used chiropractic care, not...
Top Athletes have Chiropractors
Did you know that some of the world's top athletes all have chiropractors? Whether they're an Olympic gold medalist, they're in the NBA, the NFL, the MLB any top-performing athletic team has chiropractors on staff. And do you know why that is? It's because athletes...
Why Do I Struggle to Sleep at Night?
Do you struggle with getting a good night's sleep? Do you find yourself asking, "Why do I struggle to sleep at night, every night?" Do you ever have that sensation that your brain just will not stop thinking or like you could fall asleep and then you have to get up,...
Is Chiropractic adjustment painful?
Doctor Shane here at The Specific Chiropractic Centers. I can't tell you how many times over the years patients have come in and started care at our office and it has taken them weeks, sometimes months to even come in. When I ask them their reason for delaying is...
Two camps not to be in
When it comes to chiropractic care, there are two camps you don't want to be in. You don't want to be in the camp where you're so afraid to go, because you're afraid the adjustment's going to hurt. That's actually not true. When done at the right time or in the...
Nonpatient Thank You Letter
"What they need is a doctor who was able to identify and fix the actual problem. So when after the mailbox, a couple of days ago and found this, thank you card in it. And it wasn't from a patient that I'm currently seeing. It was from somebody who I'd never seen,...
Why I See Migraine Cases
It was around two or three years in a practice that I had my first child when my family started to grow. And right then, I knew how important my weekends were becoming, how important my evening time with the family was becoming and I also notice a shift in my...
How to improve sleep?
Eye masks, special pillows, special mattresses, white noise machines, essential oils, over-the-counter medications, prescription medications, apnea machines. People spend a lot of time, energy trying to find better ways to sleep because not getting sleep can...
Chronic back pain? Then look closely here…
It seems like everyone has back pain from time to time and for most people the pain and tightness are gone within a few days and then life gets back to normal. Then there are some people in which back pain is a daily struggle and no matter what they do to...
Sleeping With My Chiropractor…
Better... sleeping better with my chiropractor’s help that is! Having trouble getting a good night’s sleep is a big problem in our country. A recent consumer report survey revealed that 68% of Americans admit to having trouble getting a good night’s sleep at least...
Can Sciatica Be Related To A Neck Problem?
Low back pain is bad enough all by itself, but sciatica is more than just low back pain - it’s when the sciatic nerve that comes out of the lower part of the spine gets pinched, compressed, or irritated somewhere along the course of its travels from the back down to...
Is Trigeminal Neuralgia Related To The Neck?
It’s been called “the suicide disease”. The intense electrical shock type pain that can be brought on by the slightest of breezes, or just spontaneously, is enough to drive some people to take their own lives. It’s one of the worst pains a human can experience. Of the...
Atrial Fibrillation and Upper Cervical Chiropractic
You know that beating heart in your chest? Well... it doesn’t beat all by itself. Your heart is told how to beat by your central nervous system and problems like atrial fibrillation can be a nervous system issue, not just a heart condition. Which is why some people...
We Can’t Feel It – So We X-ray It
“My other chiropractor didn’t use x-rays, why are you?” It’s true, the vast majority of chiropractors don’t need x-rays to help their patients get some relief from a little back pain or neck pain. But in certain situations x-rays are a must if the patient is going to...
Bladder Control & Chiropractic – What’s The Connection?
“I don’t know what to tell you Doc, but I’ve noticed that after that last adjustment I’ve been able to hold it longer and I don’t feel like I have pee every 15 minutes!” Very few people would consider chiropractic care for bladder issues, but they might want to...
Can Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care Treat Depression?
In 2020 there was a study that showed promising results for people with depression. This study followed 104 people that were patients of a certain type of chiropractic care - upper cervical chiropractic. The study lasted 6 weeks and each participant filled out the...
Stress: How it wrecks your immune system (and how to fix it)
In one sentence here’s the deal when it comes to stress and how it affects your immune system. Stress wrecks your immune system. And here’s the kicker… you can’t avoid stress completely so you need to learn how to deal with it in a way that doesn’t wreck your immune...
Breathing Better is a Side-Effect of Chiropractic Care.
You might not expect it, but being able to breathe easier is the most common “side-effect” of chiropractic care. Neck aches and back aches are what most people think about when it comes to chiropractic care, but according to the research people with breathing problems...
Can Neck Pain Be a Sign of Something Serious?
Yes, neck pain can be a sign of something serious like cancer, multiple sclerosis, or neuropathy, but it’s rare. Most of the time neck pain is just that… neck pain. If you give it a bit of time, work on a few neck exercises and stretches, and reduce the inflammation...
How to Relieve Neck Pain at Home
,The best way to relieve neck pain at home is to live with a chiropractor, massage therapist, or physical therapist (LOL)… but if your spouse or roommates have chosen a different career path, then you’re going to need to figure this out yourself. But don’t worry, as...
What’s The Best Way To Sleep To Prevent Neck Pain?
“I must have slept wrong” or “I must have slept funny.” Those are some of the most common things people say to physical therapists, massage therapists, and chiropractors when they tell them how their neck pain or neck stiffness started. But can sleeping in certain...
What Is Better For Neck Pain – Heating Pad or Cold Pack?
When it comes to neck pain you shouldn’t use ice or heat until you’ve taken a minute to answer a few simple questions because if you pick the wrong one it can make the neck pain worse… and nobody wants that! Ice or Heat? Is this just another flare-up of the...
Riboflavin for Migraines
B vitamins have been recommended by doctors and medical professionals for years to help with all sorts of stuff like… low energy, memory problems, neuropathy, and cardiovascular disease. Just about every store that sells vitamins and just about every company that...
Using salt for instant migraine relief?
Has the migraine relief you’ve been looking for been hiding in plain sight on your kitchen table all this time? There’s a growing number of people who swear that by eating salt they can stop a migraine within minutes and that if they eat more salt on a daily basis...
Magnesium for migraines. Really?
Here’s what the latest medical research knows about migraines… (we’ll get to magnesium and how it might help with migraines in just a sec)... The easy to say version: A migraine is an inherited and complex brain problem with no known cure. ...
What’s my Autonomic Nervous System and Why Should I Care?
If you’re lucky you’ll learn a little bit about your autonomic nervous system in high school then never think about it again. If you’re an adult trying to find more information about it then chances are something is wrong with your body (or a loved one’s)...
Supplements are a Waste of Your Money (and We Sell Them).
Those vitamins and supplements on your kitchen counter… are they working? Are they worth the money you spend on them every month? If someone where to swap them out for a fake look-alike version, do you think you would notice? Even though nutritional...
What the Heck is Upper Cervical Chiropractic?!
You’ve probably heard of chiropractic care, but you might not have heard of upper cervical specific chiropractic care. General chiropractic care focuses on, well… general parts and problems in the spine and body. Where upper cervical chiropractic is a...
Your Posture Sucks and STOP Blaming Your Desk Job.
When you look at pictures of yourself, what do you notice? Your head creeping out in front of your body. Your upper back and shoulders rounded out. One shoulder higher than the other. Your head slightly tilted to one side. Don’t blame your desk job, that’s not the...
“You are What you Eat”… is a Big, Fat Lie.
We’ve all heard that saying “you are what you eat”. Search for that on Pinterest and you’ll be there for hours looking at all the inspiring and well meaning quotes, but they’re all wrong. Heck, there’s even been books and documentaries with the “you are...
Migraine Relief | Top Tips for Migraine Relief
Migraines can be stubborn and the symptoms aren’t easy to deal with, but are there any tips or tricks that can help? Yes, but the only way to know if any of them are going to help you is to give them a try - one at a time. The following tips are divided into two...
Back Injury | You’ve Thrown Out Your Back… What Do You Do?
When someone hurts their back we often say they’ve “thrown their back out”. If you’ve ever thrown your back out you know just how miserable the experience can be. Most people are stuck on the floor or in bed with pain and muscle spasms for a few hours or even a few...
Can Chiropractors help with TMJ Pain?
You may have heard about people with chronic TMJ pain or jaw clicking getting relief after a chiropractic adjustment on their spine and you might be wondering how that’s possible since the jaw isn’t attached to the spine. Well… it’s true and it happens frequently in...
How Does Working on Your Neck Help Your Lower Back Pain?
If you have frequent or chronic low back pain and you’re not getting any long-term relief from the pain by working on your low back then maybe you need to take a closer look at... your neck. Yes! Your spine is isn’t just a stack of 24 individual bones that can be...
Can Cream of Tartar Really Relieve a Migraine?
Anyone who’s suffered through migraines can understand how someone would try just about anything to get out of pain. The throbbing, pulsing, pounding, head-in-a-vice feeling is horrible! So why not try something you hear about on Facebook or Instagram or TikTok… like...
Migraines and Eye Pain | Why Migraines Have This Unique Symptom And What You Can Do About It
There are several things that can cause eye pain, but headaches and migraines are two of the more common causes. There are different ways the eyes can be affected with headaches and migraines. Sometimes it’s just eye pain, sometimes it’s blurry vision, sometimes it’s...
What To Expect After A Chiropractic Adjustment
There are two answers to the question “What to expect after a chiropractic adjustment” because there are both short term and long term changes that you can expect. Those answers also depend on where the adjustment happens (low back, mid back, neck, upper neck) and...
How Do Chiropractic Adjustments Work?
The goal of a chiropractic adjustment is to improve the function of your nervous system — the one system of your body that is responsible for controlling and coordinating the function of all your other systems. The health and function of your nervous system have a...
Here is How Yoga Provides Temporary Back Pain Relief
Yoga is good for a lot of things and relief of back pain is just one of them. There are many ways in which yoga can help with back pain and, depending on the cause of your low back pain, the relief may be long lasting or temporary.
What is causing your lower back pain?
Suffering from frequent or chronic low back pain is a special kind of misery. There aren’t many things you can do that don’t somehow involve moving your low back and thus risk making your low back pain worse.
Why You Should Never Ignore Upper Cervical Pain and Headaches
If you have upper cervical pain and headaches then the problem is bigger than you might realize. A headache alone can be a symptom of several different things like dehydration, lack of sleep, or prescription lens problems. However, headaches that always seem to go...
What is Upper Cervical Manual Therapy?
Upper cervical manual therapy is a general term to describe the different ways of using the upper neck area (upper cervical) to treat various health problems. There are different types of upper cervical manual therapies and they are typically performed by trained...
Is My Gut Healthy? Here’s how you can tell…
If being healthy is the goal then you need to have healthy guts and that doesn’t just mean having a trim waist so you can fit into your favorite pair of jeans. Your guts, or digestive system, plays a vital role in keeping the rest of your body feeling and looking good...
Gut Health and Anxiety? Here’s the Connection…
For the longest time, the feeling of anxiety was considered a brain-based problem, but more recent research is suggesting that anxiety can be triggered by the trillions of bacteria living in our digestive system. The term used to describe the various types of bacteria...
Safe Neck Pain Relief Exercises
Stretching can be a safe option for neck pain relief, but it has its limitations. If your neck pain is severe (something like 7 or more on a 1-10 point pain scale) you really need to seek medical attention, especially if the pain started immediately following an...
Neck Pain Causing Headaches? Here is what you need to know.
Here is what you need to know. Before you get a headache do you often feel pain, tension, or soreness in your neck? If you answer yes then you may be suffering from a cervicogenic headache. Have you noticed that over the last year or two you feel more...
